Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bookish Life Introduction

Hey, hi, hello!

I've been wanting to start blog for a while now and I just kept putting it off, but here I am today with a blog (yay and finally!). This blog will consist of anything and everything really but more to bookish related post because I LOVE to read. I already spend most of my life reading, browsing, buying, talking, sharing, obsessing, and fangirling about books.

I am in a joint YouTube channel with my two friends Francis and Kumi called Cover Art Official, where we post bookish related things, music covers, and other random videos. I started the Fill My Shelf episodes, because I wanted to incorporate current book releases into my reading pile (not that I have little on my TBR to begin with, but I wanted to try to be a current reader and try new books instead of reading only top reviewed books.) I will share bits and pieces from the channel, but this is mainly a place to share my life and world and love of books.

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


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