Friday, August 14, 2015

Melanie Martinez's Cry Baby Album!

Cry Baby
Okay. Wow. I need to calm. I fangirled way too much since Wednesday because Melanie Martinez's debut album, Cry Baby, finally came out! Officially, it was released today in iTunes. It's been on freakin' repeat at work, in the car, and right now.

I've been waiting for this album since I first saw her on The Voice around three years ago when I fell in love with her voice. She sang a rendition of Toxic by Britney Spears to impress 3 judges. Of course, I had to check her out at YouTube to see if she had any other covers and found some originals that I love—especially I think I'm Crazy and Birthing Addicts.

Prior to the album release, Melanie released her Dollhouse EP with 4 awesome songs; DollhouseCarousel, Dead to Me, and Bittersweet Tragedy. She also teased her album with 3 singles; Pity Party, Soap, and Sippy Cup.  That held me off quite a bit but I was still anticipating the release of her debut. 

Cry Baby is a wonderful album! Great beat accompanied with a beautiful, raw voice.  I have seen her live twice in Philly where she rocks the crowd with her vocals and beats. A very talented young woman!

3 songs to check out aside from her singles: Mad Hatter, Mrs. Potato Head, and Cake.

One additional cool thing I found about the Cry Baby album today. Melanie wrote a story connecting each song titles of her album. Like, what is talent?! She defines it. She is amazeballs, many balls of amazes, and over the top amazing! The ebook is beautifully illustrated by Chloe Tersigni. I just checked out her instagram (@chloetersigni), and I'm definitely following her now. Incredible artwork!

Melanie has the story available online on her websiteClick the book to read the illustrated story. *Warning: story not for children.

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Monday, August 10, 2015

#BookTubeAThon2015 Fail!

First off, I should've done a BookTubeAThon TBR list, but I didn't have an actual solid list, go figure (haha). I'm the type of person that would change things around and just go with my reading flow.

Secondly, I've failed to complete some of the challenge. I tried so hard juggling work and reading. At the least, I've accomplished 5 of the challenges even though only 3 of the books will go towards my 2015 reading challenge on goodreads.

I will list the books in the order I've read them.

Book 1: Read a book you really want to read
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
Rating: ☆☆☆☆/5

Nimona is a graphic novel. It's a story about a girl who was recruited to be a villain's sidekick. Let's just highlight the ending of this book. Not what I had expected, two thumbs. The book has cool art. (I also read this book in one sitting.)

Book 2Finish a book without letting go of it
Selp-Helf by Miranda Sings
Rating: ☆☆☆☆/5

Selp-Helf is written by Miranda Sings, a YouTuber. This colorful book was quite enjoyably funny. It's filled with lots of advice Miranda would totally give. She even gave us activities.

Book 3Read a book by an author who shares the same first letter of your last name
Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira
Rating: ☆☆☆☆¾/5

Love Letters to the Dead was a very beautifully written story. It reminded me of Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower (one of my favorite read books of this year) because of the letter structure instead of actual chapters. The story is about a teenage girl, Laurel, losing her big sister, May. Laurel tried to be strong and more like her perfect, fearless sister, but throughout the book, Laurel came undone as she finds herself and finally becomes herself. I shed tears reading this one.
picture source
Book 4Read a book with blue on the cover
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Rating: ☆☆/5

Fairest is Levana's story. I started reading the Lunar Chronicles in the beginning of this year and I am highly anticipating Winter to come. Through this book, I've come to find out that Levana is batshit crazy and she can't be fixed. Her life was sad but she puts it upon herself to make it unbearable. But of course, fans of the Lunar Chronicles should get this book.

Book 5: Read the last book you acquired
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Rating: ☆☆½/5

Cruel Beauty is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. It's definitely not your typical Beauty though. She has a twin and she's a very dark character. I fell in love with the Beast in this book. For a demon lord, he's caring and a sweetheart. This was my first Beauty and the Beast retelling read.

I didn't complete read someone else's favourite book and read seven books. I will try again next year! I did complete last year, but I had a week off from work because I had taken my top wisdom teeth out.

Time for chillaxing read without deadlines. Whew.

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Monday, August 3, 2015

Island Beach State Park

Had a Sunday Beach Day with friends yesterday! I had loads of fun. Sure, I had to wake up early in the morning. And yes, the waves were high in the morning which was hell for a non-swimming such as myself. BUT I can't complain. It was definitely a Sunday well-spent with great company.

We also ate at Joe's Crab Shack. It was utterly divine. They had cute little bibs for us to use. I was titled Crabulous, and Francis was Crab Daddy!

Ohh and this is not just a lifestyle post, it is also a book haul from Goodwill! Check out these bad boys.

Quick synopsis of each book:

Entwined is a retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses fairytale (you can read the fairytale by Brothers Grimm here). I know I read this one before and I think it goes like this: The  12 princesses were supposed to be asleep but they sneaked out and danced the night away until their slippers were in pieces.

Incarceron is about a futuristic prison. I know nothing more about it. Funny story, I actually had this book at home. I remembered some instances where I pondered in Barnes and Nobles about purchasing said book and I completely forgot that I my book buying itch won and actually purchased it a while back. This, and I also have a long TBR list.

Eon is a book about dragons and magic. Eon is actually Eona, a female protagonist who disguises herself as a boy. I've been wanting to own and read this one and I was so glad I found it.

This is how great yesterday was—beach, crabs, and books!

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reading Slump

Whoa! Hey, there. I just had a reading hiatusthe longest reading slump. 2 ½ months long, to be exact. That was so totally crazy.

Sure, now I'm flying through books, but I thought I lost my love for books. That would have been a huge disaster. Like, how can I stop loving books? Beautiful, wonderful, sexy books.

I stopped reading in March. My last book was Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I guess it was too good of a book (which it really was and you should totally read this book!) my brain rejected other books I picked up afterwards. 

My brain didn't want to register other books, and it just decided to take a long break. I picked up so many fantasy books and nothing. No excitement, no urge to read. I was worried I even came to the conclusion that maybe I was bored with books. That was so hard to type and confess. My brain was that far off in the dark side. Sorry for saying mean things, books. It was me, not you.

Then recently (and by recently, I mean a month ago), I picked a book from my contemporary TBR. I sped through 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson in 2 days from June 22nd-23rd.

I'm on my 17th book now after I finished 13 Little Blue Envelopes and I don't think I'm stopping (not trying to jinx myself now). Gotta read, read, read!

What I learned from this whole ordeal:
1. I worry too much.
2. Everyone has a reading slump and we will prevail! *Warning: Non-stop binge reading will occur.


Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Book Con 2015!

I went to Book Con last weekend with the Cover Art crew! We couldn't go for the whole two days (which sounds like a bummer), but Saturday was the most amazing time I ever had, bookish-related. I had tons of fun! I seriously had a bookgasm and would love to go to the next one (still pondering over it because it'll be in Chicago for 2016, so far away!).

At first, I definitely felt so lost and was just wondering around looking at displays of books. It was just so many things to see with limited amount of time. I had made myself a game plan, sort of, but didn't keep to it and was just taking it all in the fact that I was at Book Con surrounded by so many book lovers. Oh the joy of that whole Saturday! Meeting/seeing BookTubers, YouTubers, and Authors was a dream. I really wish I could just relive the whole day/Book Con experience.

Christine (polandbananasBOOKS)
Kat (Katytastic)
Regan (PeruseProject) and Jesse (jessethereader)
I was bummed out that I didn't get to meet Marie Lu and Marissa Meyer, which are two of my favorite authors. Marie Lu's line was capped after I went to see Alfie Deyes. It was an okay, not okay moment for me but I'm okay (haha). On one hand, I got to see Alfie, but on the other hand, I didn't get to see Marie. Then I went in line to get my book signed by Sabaa Tahir (which book I have yet read but will soon). After Sabaa, I wanted to see Marissa but her line was also capped. Another okay, not okay moment but they are great authors so it's understandable (or I try to understand at the time, haha) that the lines will get long asap.

Alfie Deyes (Real), Grace Helbig (Real, but far away), Marie Lu (Real), George R. R. Martin (Cardboard Cutout)
Sabaa Tahir
Miranda Sings (cutout, lol)
After that, my boyfriend and I enjoy The Halal Guys and Times Square. We walked around with a big metallic blue suitcase and took loads of touristy pictures (might as well enjoy the rest of the evening until our bus ride).

Anyways, the whole experience of attending a Con was just wonderful. This was my first ever Con so now all I want to do is attend all different kinds for the experience. I just loved seeing all the booths and seeing/meeting different authors.

The meaning of life in one picture.

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Sunday, March 8, 2015

My Reading Journey

I never wanted to read novels when I was a kid. I thought it was stupid and boring and a waste of time (Boy, was I wrong! Shame on you, young Prys!!). Honestly, big books with no pictures were intimidating to 10-year-old Pryscilla.

So it all started with Twilight...


In freshman year of high school, people were really into Twilight and I just ignored the hype because I was so not into reading novels (weird, ignorant 14 year old self). In junior year, everything changed because the movie had came out and I don't know, I felt the urge to read it. Needless to say, I fell in love with the saga. I am still waiting for Midnight Sun! I was definitely Team Edward!

Pretty Little Liars

I marathoned the first two seasons first and I saw that it was based from a book. I bought the first for and collected the first 12 books and need the last 4 to complete the series. It was a fun read at first, but it kind of dragged on because A keeps changing and I hope the real end will be a great reveal. My favorite A as of right now is the twin, which is on the second arc of the series from book 5-8.

The Hunger Games

Then came the Hunger Games. I just got into college when this book was loved by everyone and their mothers. I go in a bus and someone beside me was reading Catching Fire. I talked to clients (I used to work in a nail salon) and they suggested The Hunger Games. I was recommended to read this book by my brother's childhood friend. I read it and loved it, of course. My favorite book was Catching Fire, and so far, that's my favorite movie out of the currently released!

Harry Potter

I love all Harry Potter movies since it first came out, but I never read the books. I know I attempted to read it during the times I spent in the library. But again, big book and big words did not appeal to my younger self. When I started to really get into YA fiction and watch booktubers, everyone LOVES the book, so I just had to. It was also around the time Deathly Hallows pt. 1's release and I had the last book at hand since forever ago because my brother received it on its released day (for unknown reasons). I read it and finished that ginormous book and read the HP series from the start!


So for all you teens out there who thinks reading is boring, try these for a start. In addition to these beauties, I do highly recommend the Divergent Trilogy or The Lunar Chronicles.

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

FMS Review | My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga

Hey, hi, hello!

Fill My Shelf episode 4 is up on the Tube. It's a review of my fourth read for 2015 releases, a debut novel by Jasmine Warga called My Heart and Other Black Holes.

My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga
Publication Date: February 10, 2015
My Rating: ☆☆☆/5

I read this whole book in one sitting on a Saturday, Valentine's Day to be exact. While I did like some aspects of the book, I found this book to be quite rushed.

I was intrigued by the concept of My Heart and Other Black Holes (MHAOBH for short). I wanted to see how Warga would tackle a topic such as teen suicide pact in the book. The book was too romance driven for me, so if you want a book that makes you giddy for love, this book is it and the main character Asyel's feelings will speak to you.

I did think the book was way too rushed. Some characters that I thought would be a huge factor to the story didn't have any voice at all. The build up in the beginning about Asyel's father was anti-climatic. I didn't feel like I was involved in Asyel's family life or personal life, but instead it was about her L♡VE life, which saved her in many ways.

However if you just break the story and take MHAOBH's romantic aspects, it is such a cute story—the way Asyel fell for Roman is just too adorable.

For further breakdown of the book, you guys can check out my Goodreads review here, where I list the pros and cons of the book and my spoilery thoughts!

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fill My Shelf

Hey, hi, hello!

I do a segment on Cover Art's channel called Fill My Shelf, which I have mentioned a bit on my being previous post. I came up with the idea, because I've been wanting to incorporate newly released books to my reading pile (I'm always late to the party) and what's a more fun way than to see a new bookshelf filled throughout the year with new books (I swear I get giddy when I put a new book in that shelf, a bit of a sense of accomplishment)!

I want to have a bookish journey starting this year and experience new books and try to filter myself from looking at new book reviews so that I can plunge into a book without knowing what it is or what feels it will make me feel.

I posted three episodes so far and more to come!

Fill My Shelf Ep. 1 | Frostfire by Amanda Hocking:
Publication Date: January 6, 2015
My Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆/5
{Click picture for my full Frostfire review.}
I was thoroughly surprised by this one! Frostfire is a spinoff of a the Trylle trilogy; I've never heard of Trylle because I live under a rock, apparently. The book is about trolls, and they're not the nasty kind of trolls. These trolls are badasses and the main character, Bryn Aven, is awesome. After I read Frostfire, I looked for the Trylle boxed set and purchased it because it was that good!

Fill My Shelf Ep. 2 | The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Publication Date: January 13, 2015
My Rating: ☆☆☆☆½/5
{Click picture for my full The Darkest Part of the Forest review.}
For further prove I live under a rock, I have never read a single book by Holly Black (please do not proceed to throw rocks at me). The book is about faeries and follows Hazel Evan's adventure. The beginning was pretty slow, but I loved the flashbacks scattered throughout the book. For a standalone fantasy, The Darkest Part of the Forest concluded well. It was like a puzzle piecing itself together and it reveals the whole picture at the end. I was amazed by the finished piece. I would very much like to retrace Black's work and read all her work.

Fill My Shelf Ep. 3 | I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
Publication Date: February 3, 2015
My Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆/5
{Click picture for my full I'll Meet You There review.}
Believe me when I say I never read Something Real by Demetrios (I had it on my shelf though, got it from Book Outlet). I'll Meet You There was such a real book and pulls many emotions out of me. The book follows Skylar Evans, a high school graduate, and Josh Mitchell, a marine. Their story was intense. Demetrios definitely gave a book full of real life drama and a character I can definitely relate to.

*End of Fill My Shelf Episode List*

I've just realized that all the main characters for these three books has a similar surname Aven, Evans, and Evans (wow!). Anyways, these are all the books I have read and reviewed so far for the Fill My Shelf episode on YouTube. Check out the videos and comment me your feels of the books or feedbacks on my reviews!

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!


All the books I used for Fill My Shelf above I purchased from Barnes and Nobles.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bookish Life Introduction

Hey, hi, hello!

I've been wanting to start blog for a while now and I just kept putting it off, but here I am today with a blog (yay and finally!). This blog will consist of anything and everything really but more to bookish related post because I LOVE to read. I already spend most of my life reading, browsing, buying, talking, sharing, obsessing, and fangirling about books.

I am in a joint YouTube channel with my two friends Francis and Kumi called Cover Art Official, where we post bookish related things, music covers, and other random videos. I started the Fill My Shelf episodes, because I wanted to incorporate current book releases into my reading pile (not that I have little on my TBR to begin with, but I wanted to try to be a current reader and try new books instead of reading only top reviewed books.) I will share bits and pieces from the channel, but this is mainly a place to share my life and world and love of books.

Have a bookful day and happy reading, lovelies!
